Queensland's Photoelectric-Only
Smoke Alarm Legislation
The Story Behind the Legislation. . .
Part 1
01 September 2015
Logan House Fire
Support Network
Want ionization
smoke alarms banned
Part 2
21 September 2015
QLD Fire & Emergency Services Commissioner
Wants photoelectric
alarms in all homes
More > > >
Part 4
3 November 2015
Cr Luke Smith &
Louie Naumovski
Wants photoelectric
alarms in all homes
More > > >
The Legislation. . .
Part 1
01 September 2015
Louie Naumovski
Co-Founder, Logan House
Fire Support Network
"This one here is the ionization . . . we want
these banned . . . get it out of your home."
Louie Naumovski, Logan House Fire Support Network
The Fire Service Says Ionization Smoke Alarms "Should Be Replaced"
Note: It is a requirement of the Australian smoke alarm standard (AS3786-1993)
that all ionization smoke alarms must carry the trefoil/radiation warning symbol
"Good stuff Louie. That's really good information."
Karl Stefanovic, 60 Minutes Presenter, 'Today Show' Co-Host
Karl Stefanovic
"What Louie's about to tell you is going to save your life."
Karl Stefanovic with Logan House Fire Support Network Co-Founder Louie
Naumovski warning about the ionization smoke alarms in most Australian homes
"The world is a dangerous
place to live; not because
of the people who are evil,
but because of the people
who do nothing about it."
Albert Einstein
"Ignorance, allied with..
power, is the most.. ferocious enemy..
justice can have."
James A Baldwin
"The only thing..
necessary for the.. triumph of evil is that..
good men do nothing."
Edmund Burke